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men dont have a gender. only women do.

May 11, 2013


see convo here.

An early valentine

January 31, 2013


thank you.  ❤

love, me

KYAnonymous repeatedly equates sex and rape

January 8, 2013

that last one isnt as obvious, but child porn = child rape mkay?

im enjoying the doodbro-manarchists handing the doodbro-goodolboys their asses over the steubenville rape case and all, but there are some serious problems here that will never be addressed.  namely, that rape isnt sex.  and that the experts on “sexual politics” — radical feminists — are specifically excluded from this discussion, due to both the male-centric framing of the issues (that rape is “forced sex”) and out of reluctance to criticize mainstream “anti-rape” (LOLOLOLOLOL) discourse no matter how inadequate misogynist and patriarchal it is, because yay crumbs, and (AND!) due to legitimate fear of the “anonymous” hacktivist collective which we criticize at our peril.

yes, for some reason we were never asked what we think about any of it, and no one reads our books, where we clearly spell out our coherent political position on rape and “rape culture” and have done so for decades.  since before (misogynist, patriarchal) “slutwalk” was even a thing!  and way before any of this (misogynist, patriarchal) occupy nonsense.

have fun jerking each others dicks, doods.  and excluding radical feminists from even sexual politics (where we are experts) and propping up your own violent, misogynist (rape) culture.

when the dust settles, i hope we find that you have all killed each other.  voila!  no more rape.

see also doodbro liberal dickwad versus doodbro MRA asshats, rounds one and two.

self-aware sociopath

December 30, 2012


give us a chance. ffs.

December 16, 2012


men are so violent that they will literally use anything as a weapon against women and children.  give women and children a chance to survive the injuries inflicted on us by men.

ban guns.  now.

oh yes she did!

October 27, 2012


for those reading-comprehension challenged trans and trans-allies out there (which is all of them) this is a reference to other groups that are abusive, and insane.  this is not a reference to pedophilia specifically, but tangentially.

go roseanne!  thank you for standing up for women and women-only safe space.

click on image to visit roseannes twitter.

read more here and here and here.

(surprised) woman as useful object

September 22, 2012

woman as useful object here.  also, sexual politics.  thank you.

devils advocate number two (or, just stop talking completely)

August 4, 2012

if you think you or your experiences are special, in any way, or if you only wish to advocate for the devil, (WTF) please stop commenting on my blog.

actually i should say “stop wasting your time writing things to me and my readers that will *never* be published” bc i spam these idiotic, unhelpful, and unresponsive comments.

in fact, if you think you are a special snowflake, why dont you just stop talking completely.

thank you.

devils advocate number one (or, stop commenting on my blog)

August 4, 2012

if you think you or your experiences are special, in any way, or if you only wish to advocate for the devil, (WTF) please stop commenting on my blog.

actually i should say “stop wasting your time writing things to me and my readers that will *never* be published” bc i spam these idiotic, unhelpful, and unresponsive comments.

in fact, if you think you are a special snowflake, why dont you just stop talking completely.

thank you.

dear gay transmen

July 8, 2012

you arent the only straight females who find heterosexual fucking problematic.

most men arent even any good at it, but thats the least of the problems with either males or intercourse.  that is to say, its only part of the story.

in a nutshell, heterosexual fucking is boring, repetitious, dangerous, deleterious to women and supportive of male power.

often, straight men only want to fuck you every once in a while, just enough so that you always think youre pregnant but never enough to make it worth it for you.  thats because heterosexual fucking is not about sex for men.  if it were, they would want to fuck you all the time, and do all kinds of other pleasurable stuff too, but thats not what they want.

conversely/perversely, other men who want to fuck all the time want to fuck many different women one time each, just enough to bring fear of pregnancy into the equation (for her) but never enough to give her any real pleasure.  these allegedly hypersexual men frequently do not want to fuck the same woman over and over.  UNLESS SHE DOESNT WANT IT, then it becomes imperative that she be fucked constantly.  thats because its not about sex, its about power, and harming women, and giving all women the exact opposite of what they want, sexually.  reproductively, we all get what we dont want too: pregnancy scares.  constantly.

many, many, women report the same things about straight men, and how they use sex, and how its no good for women.  its not just you.  its a real thing, and its political.

in conclusion, try reading a radical feminist book sometime, like dworkins “intercourse”.  you might learn something, and books will never, ever give you an STD.

thank you.

PS.  none of this makes you a gay male.  even though you want to fuck male-bodied persons, and have that be about sexual pleasure (for once) rather than it being about men dominating and harming you as a female, it doesnt mean you are a gay man.  it means that heterosexual fucking is problematic.